About Us
The Marion County Council on Aging is committed to improving the quality of life for older adults in Marion County by providing services that enrich, enhance, and promote independent living. The Council on Aging provides funding for home and community-based services for Marion County residents age 60 and older, regardless of income. This funding comes from the Senior Services levy that was first passed by Marion County voters in May of 2006.
The goal of the Council on Aging is to coordinate and develop a comprehensive program of local resources and services to best meet the needs of our citizens. We recognize the need to be respectful and responsive to our older adults, and to be responsive and accountable to all citizens of Marion County.
Funding for Senior Services
Agencies were awarded these funds for the provision of home and community-based services for Marion County residents age 60 and over, who have a documented need for assistance.
The agencies to receive funding for core services are as follows:
- Interim HealthCare and CenterWell Home Health for in-home care services including homemaking (light house cleaning) and personal care assistance (bathing)
- Morrow County Transit and for medical transportation to Delaware and Columbus. Marion Senior Center transportation for county-wide transportation for necessary errands and medical appointment transportation to most counties in Ohio with advance notice
- Kingston Residence of Marion for adult day services for seniors with dementia or cognitive issues
- Seneca County Commission on Aging for home-delivered meals
- Marion Senior Center for personal shopping assistance.
Funding for these services is generated through the Marion County Senior Services Levy. Services are available to county residents aged 60 and over, regardless of income, for those seniors who are living independently and have a documented need for service.
Contact the Marion County Council on Aging at 740.387.0401 for further information.
Community Enrichment Grant Funding
In addition to funding for core services, the Board of Directors has also appropriated funds for the popular Community Enrichment Grants. Enrichment Grants are awarded to local agencies in lesser amounts and are for special needs that are not readily met by other local agencies.
Contact the Marion County Council on Aging at 740.387.0401 for further information.
2023 Community Enrichment Grant Awards
For the 2023 year, our levy funding designated for community enrichment grants was able to provide a total of $35,900 in funding across the following agencies and organizations in support of our senior population
- Ohio Heartland Community Action Center, $20,000, for unmet and emergency needs up to $300 per senior
- Marion County Recycling & Litter Prevention, $2,500, for appliance recycling and education
- Y Men Service Club, $5,000, for wheelchair ramps
- Marion Senior Center, $1,000, for co-sponsor and entertainment of the annual Senior Citizens Day
- Marion Public Library, $3,500, for the purpose of new delivery bags for the homebound service, supplementing the large print and audio collection and supplementing the cost of the Adult Lifelong Learning program
- Caledonia Farmers Market, $3,900, for the purchase of (40) $5 vouchers for 17 weeks for the 60 and older community, as well as printing and advertising costs.
2022 Grants
$23,500 total awarded to the following:
- Ohio Heartland Community Action Center, $18,000, for unmet and emergency needs
- Marion County Recycling & Litter Prevention, $2,500, for appliance recycling and education
- Y Men Service Club, $5,000, for wheelchair ramps
- Marion Public Library, $2,500, to support books for homebound service
2021 Grants
- Y Men Service Club for wheelchair ramps
- Marion County Recycling & Litter Prevention for a variety of services and programs geared toward older adults
- Ohio Heartland Community Action Commission for prescription assistance, burial assistance, and various other unmet needs
- Dr. James Clark for professional presentations on dementia and memory
- Marion Public Library to support books for the homebound service.

Leadership & Staff
Executive Director
Cassie Gregory
Board of Directors
Meets the third Wednesday of each month at noon.
Greg Clark, Chairperson
Michael Ring, Vice-Chairperson
Jan Persinger, Secretary
Jeff Manley, Treasurer
Slyvia Almendinger
Kathy Wink
Andy Appelfeller
Joan Kasotis
Doug Diequez
Advisory Task Force
Meets the third Monday of the month at 1:00 pm.
Annette Hartman, President
Candy Klingel, Vice-President
Barb Mead, Secretary
Joel Fetter
Marvin Collier
Maureen Welch
Kitty Marsh
Janie Moore
Anna Bomas
Pat Baldinger
Suzie Doss
Millie Williams
Pam Pinney